

The sCStorage instance communicates with the storage API.


new sCStorage(app_id, app_secret, service_urlopt)

Opens a new schmuckliCloud storage instance. It can be used to manage then all the data in a defined project.

Name Type Attributes Description
app_id String

The APP ID, which was created for a client app in the schmuckliCloud console.

app_secret String

The APP Secret, which was created for a client app in the schmuckliCloud console.

service_url String <optional>

If you want to replace the backend url instead of, provide here the new path.






Set the dataset, which should be used for the further data operations.

Name Type Description
dataset_name String

The name of the dataset (Do not use the id)


setAuthToken(auth_token, not_resetopt)

Binds the authentication token to the storage object, to use the protected dataset, reserved for the user.

Name Type Attributes Description
auth_token string

The authentication session token from the auth library.

not_reset boolean <optional>

By default, it will reset the dataset. If you want to use the authentication dataset, you must provide a empty dataset string.



When you plan to use the future requests with a given share password, assign first this password here and call later the requests as usual.

Name Type Description
password string

The clear password, which should be used.



Set the bucket id which later should be used to manage data.

Name Type Description
bucket_id Number

The number of the bucket id


getAll(container_name, sortingopt, startopt, limitopt, excludeopt) → {Promise.<sCResult>}

This method lets you retrieve all rows from a container.

Name Type Attributes Description
container_name String

The container name, created via the schmuckliCloud console

sorting String | Array | Object <optional>

Sort the entries ascending ('asc' by default) or descending ('desc').

start Number <optional>

Define a start index.

limit Number <optional>

Define a maximum of showing results.

exclude Array <optional>

Columns, which should be excluded from the results.


get(container_name, filter, sortingopt, startopt, limitopt, excludeopt, filter_connectopt) → {Promise.<sCResult>}

This method lets you retrieve data with filters.

Name Type Attributes Description
container_name String

The container name, created via the schmuckliCloud console

filter Array

A filter is an array, defining which entries should be displayed.

sorting String <optional>

Sort the entries ascending ('asc' by default) or descending ('desc').

start Number <optional>

Define a start index.

limit Number <optional>

Define a maximum of showing results.

exclude Array <optional>

Columns, which should be excluded from the results.

filter_connect String <optional>

Sets the connection between the filters. (Default: OR)


count(container_name, filter, filter_connectopt) → {Promise.<sCResult>}

This method returns the amount of data rows with/out filter.

Name Type Attributes Description
container_name String

The container name, created via the schmuckliCloud console

filter Array

A filter is an array, defining which entries should be displayed.

filter_connect String <optional>

Sets the connection between the filters. (Default: OR)


sum(container_name, filter, field_name, filter_connectopt) → {Promise.<sCResult>}

This method returns the SUM of field with/out filter.

Name Type Attributes Description
container_name String

The container name, created via the schmuckliCloud console

filter Array

A filter is an array, defining which entries should be displayed.

field_name String

The name of the field, which should be used for the result.

filter_connect String <optional>

Sets the connection between the filters. (Default: OR)


avg(container_name, filter, field_name, filter_connectopt) → {Promise.<sCResult>}

This method returns the AVG of field with/out filter.

Name Type Attributes Description
container_name String

The container name, created via the schmuckliCloud console

filter Array

A filter is an array, defining which entries should be displayed.

field_name String

The name of the field, which should be used for the result.

filter_connect String <optional>

Sets the connection between the filters. (Default: OR)


Creates a share link with the containing rows.

Name Type Attributes Description
container_name String

The container name, where the rows are located.

rows Array

The row id's, which should be shared via a link.

password string <optional>

Sets a password. Leave blank, if you want don't want to set a password.

expire string <optional>

Sets a expire date. Leave blank, if you want don't want to set a expire date. The link will then be available for an unlimited time.


Updates an existing share with rows, password and/or expire date.

Name Type Attributes Description
container_name string

The name of the container, where the rows are stored.

share_id number

The id of the share, which should be updated.

new_rows array

The ids of the new rows, which should be added.

remove_rows array

The ids of the existing rows, which should be removed.

password string <optional>

Sets a new password. Leave blank, if you want to keep the current password.

expire string <optional>

Sets a new expire date. Leave blank, if you want to keep the current expire date.

custom_link string <optional>

Sets an alias (custom link) for the share, that it can be accessed via that.


Returns the already shared links by the currently signed in user.


Deletes an existing share link from the currently signed in account.

Name Type Description
share_id Number

The id of the share link, which should be deleted.


getById(container_name, row_id, exclude) → {Promise.<sCResult>}

Retrieve a single rowset by it's id.

Name Type Description
container_name String

The container name, where the ID is contained.

row_id Number

The row id, which can be trieved by get or getAll.

exclude Array

Columns, which should be excluded from the results.


insert(container_name, data) → {Promise.<sCResult>}

This methdod can add new rows to you container in the previous set dataset.

Name Type Description
container_name String

The container name, created via the schmuckliCloud console

data String

A dataobject with a key-value pair. The key represents the columns defined in the schmuckliCloud console.


update(container_name, row_id, data) → {Promise.<sCResult>}

This method updates a specific row in a container

Name Type Description
container_name String

Define a container name, which should be updated.

row_id Number

Define a row id which should be updated

data Object

Define the data object in a key-value pair


delete(container_name, row_id, column) → {Promise.<sCResult>}

This method deletes a specific row in a container or can just delete a column in a specific row.

Name Type Description
container_name String

Define the container name, where the deletion process should take place

row_id Number

Define a row id, which can be retrieved by the 'get' or 'getAll' method.

column String

Define a column name, when just this data in this specific column should be deleted.


metadata(container_name) → {Promise.<sCResult>}

Fetches the metadata of the given container name.

Name Type Description
container_name String

The container name
